Tuesday 29 March 2016

Mar 28, 2016

Tuesday's Assignment

To open our week on the theme of job search, here are your tasks:
  1. Vocabulary--learn and practise using some new phrases: Landing an Interview
back and forth
soul searching
cast a wide net
shoot a little lower
apply for
job hunting
  1. Role play by yourself, and then record with a partner: Video Resume

  1. Check out these job sites and find 5 positions most relevant to you or your spouse or friend: 123:
    1. What’s common among the sites?

    1. What’s your best find?

    1. What are your partners’ best finds?

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Mar22, 2016


2. Listening Exercises [Top]
Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button of the audio type you want to hear, and answer the questions. Press the "Final Score" button to check your quiz.
What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]
1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?
A. He takes a school bus every morning
B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
C. He walks with a group of students.
2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?
A. backpack
B. gym clothes
C. school hat
3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?
A. He practices his reading and writing.
B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.
4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?
A. in his classroom
B. in the lunchroom
C. in the gymnasium
5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?
A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM
B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM
C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM

Back to Quiz | Go to Quiz Script]
A Day at School: Text Completion
Instructions: Click the "play" button and listen to the interview. Fill in the missing words.

What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]
Randall: Hello. Today I'm interviewing Joshua on his (1) going to a Japanese school. Now Joshua, what time do you go to (2)?Joshua: Eight O'clock.
Randall: Eight O'clock. And do you (3) by yourself, or on a school bus?
Joshua: No, I have a group that goes with me.
Randall: So you go with a group?
Randall: Now what (5) of things do you take to school?
Joshua: I take my taiso fuku, that is gym clothes, and I take my backpack and my books [Oh, okay] and (6) like that.

Score = 
Correct answers:

Back to Quiz | Quiz Script]

4. Post-Listening Exercises [Top]
What thing did you most enjoy about your school life in your country? Talk with a partner. Explain and discuss some of these topics:
  • the length of the school year
  • a typical day at school
  • teacher and student interaction
  • school rules (e.g., dress, hair styles, chewing gum, talking in class, cheating, arriving late, etc.)

5. Online Investigations - What's This? ] [Top]
Listen to recordings from language learners from around the world and find out the answers to these questions:
  • What time does the person go to school?
  • How does he or she get to school?
  • What does he or she study there?
  • What other facts do you learn about the person's experience at school?

Monday 21 March 2016

Mar 21, 2016, Monday

  1. About Me Section--Write about:
    1. Who are you?
    2. What are your English learning goals in Level 4-5?
    3. What are your goals for this week?
    4. What have you learnt so far?
    5. What I have enjoyed doing the most?
    6. What I have enjoyed doing the least?
    7. Any other comments I may have
My name is Ling Li. I am going to learn to improve my Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing skills and obtain lots of  information for my life and future during Level 4-5. In this week I will finish my teacher's tasks and memory new words. I have learned how to ask for help in a pharmacy and make an appointment with a doctor etc..  I gained many informations about my usual life. Also I learned to find way to research articles  what I want to know. I have enjoyed  attending field trips like skiing. It was so funny and it could challenge  my sports skills. I also have enjoyed having a good communication with my classmate. I can learn from my classmates who come from all over the world. Each of everyone have them advantages and I'd like to make many friends in Linc 4-5.

2. Write 10 sentences about your March Break. Organize the sentences into paragraphs either logically or chronologically. To help you think of what to write, use WH questions like What, Who, When, e.g. What did I do on Tuesday?
    1. Use the editing checklist to check your own work first.
    2. Offer your new friends to check their work, but introduce yourself first.
    3. Publish your work and mention who helped you to check.
1. On Sunday our family went to Ontario Science Center.
2..We  enjoyed the whole day though we were so tired.
3. My daughter challenged   the show of wire-walking.
4. The children were all strung up  with fear on them legs but my daughter played lots of  hard staff.
5. On Tuesday we attended a arts program at AGO.
6. She painted a abundant  works with her hand as foundation.
7. The staff of this program asked her leave the printing at AGO as shows.
8. After that we did the rounds of the galleries and listen to some of the explanation by the staff.
9. When the stuff asked our some questions about a painting, my daughter published her point.
10. The staff praised that my daughter's view as not from a child of seven years old and seventeen years old.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Mar 8, Tuesday Role play

  1. Role play: Visiting Places of Worship

Mar 8, Tuesday

In some countries, freedom is guaranteed in name only, but in other countries, the freedom is perhaps more sincere. Welcome to Canada! Why did you choose to come here? What other countries are similarly free? Why?

I chose Canada because of  freedom, good education, getting health care, communication, peace place.
I think they are Germany, Italy, Holland, Switzerland,  Sweden and so on .

Here are your tasks:
  1. Vocabulary: Vacation Plans

1. Where is the man going on vacation?    C
A. Italy 
B. France
C. Germany
2. Where did he meet Claudia?   C
A. at a music store
B. at the post office
C. on the Internet
3. What advice does Markus give Pete about meeting Claudia's parents?A
A. be on time
B. take a small gift
C. smile and be friendly
4. What is one thing Markus does NOT say about greeting Claudia?B
A. shake her hand
B. give her a friendly hug
C. take her some flowers
5. Markus' final suggestion for Pete is that he should:A
A. brush up on his German.
B. buy souvenirs for Claudia's family.
C. visit Berlin during his visit.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Here are your tasks:
  1. What countries share similar public holidays? Why?
Christmas Around The World: How Different Countries Celebrate The Festive Season
Santa and his reindeer or simply decorating the tree, Christmas time is full of family traditions.
But just how do children and their parents celebrate Christmas in other countries across the globe?
More than two billion people celebrate Christmas globally every year, so we've put together a fun guide to some of the unusual ways in which other nationalities mark the occasion.
2. Germany
Tradition: Santa's spooky helper
As a part of celebrations in Germany as well as Austria and some parts of Switzerland, St Nikolaus (the saint on whom many countries base Santa Claus) is accompanied by a scary devil-like character as a warning to children no to be bad. In France there's a similar figure called La Pere Fouettard.
3. Italy
Tradition: Presents on a broomstick
A good witch called La Befana delivers
 children's presents on January 6th using a broomstick rather than a sleigh. But if you've been bad – expect lumps of coal.
4. Netherlands
Tradition: Sinterklaas and Black Peter
In Holland Santa Claus is called Sinterklaas. He doesn't live at the North Pole, but in sunny Spain and arrives by steamboat with a helper called Black Peter rather than an elf.
5. Scandinavia
Tradition: Porridge instead of cookies and carrots
Across the region a gnome like character - called Tomte in Sweden and Nisse in Norway - is believed to protect barns and brings presents too. Every Christmas the children leave a bowl of porridge out for him.
6. Spain Tradition: A different sort of Christmas log
In the region of Catalonia traditional Nativity scenes get a cheeky addition in the form of a character called the 'caganer'. And there's no polite way to say this – the figure is squatting as if going to the toilet. Sometimes they are shepherds, but can even be footballers or politicians.
7. Australia     Tradition: Rudolph the red nosed Kangaroo
Of course Down Under Christmas falls in summer. There tradition has it that Father Christmas swaps his reindeer for 'six white boomers' or kangaroos. It's also traditional to enjoy a barbecue on the beach on the big day.
8. India      Tradition: Decorating mango trees
For Christians on the sub-continent fir trees aren't common. Instead mango trees are often decorated instead and mango leaves used to brighten up homes.
9. Greenland     Tradition: Rotting bird feast
The hardy folk in the Arctic Circle tuck into some unusual dishes. Kiviak is decomposed bird that has been wrapped in sealskin and buried under a stone for several months. They also feast on mattak, slices of raw whale skin.
10. Ukraine       Tradition: Spider webs on the tree
It may sound more like a Halloween tradition than a Christmas one but Ukrainians decorate their Christmas trees with spider webs. Legend says that a magic spider once visited a poor family at Christmas and turned the webs in their home into gold and silver.
11. Bulgaria
Tradition: Stick patting
One of the Christmas traditions is koleduvane involving boys singing carols outside neighbours' houses then patting them on the back with decorated sticks.
12. Greece
Tradition: Basil and burning shoes
Basil is wrapped around a cross and used to sprinkle holy water around the house to ward off mischief making goblins called killantzaroi. It's also traditional to burn old shoes for good luck in the following year.
13. Venezuela
Tradition: Roller-skating to Church
In the capital, Caracas, roads are closed off so that locals can blade to morning mass – they even tie pieces of string and dangle them out of the window so, if they oversleep, passers-by will be able to tug on the string and wake them up.
14. Brazil
Tradition: Presents in shoes
Brazilians celebrate the legend that animals gain the power of speech on Christmas night while children here get their presents in their shoes rather than stockings from Papa Noel.
15. Jamaica
Tradition: John Canoe parade
Christmas time is marked by the 'John Canoe' parade, which dates back to the times of slavery, where people dress up in wacky masks and costumes. Curried goat is often on the menu for Christmas dinner.
16. Mexico
Tradition: Carving radishes
In the run up to Christmas time the Festival Of The Radishes sees farming folk carve the vegetables into human figures, including those from nativity scenes.
17. Czech Republic
Tradition: The golden pig
Czechs are taught not to eat anything on Christmas Eve until a special dinner is served so that they can try and see a mystical 'golden pig' appear. Another tradition sees a girl putting a cherry twig in water on December 4th. If it blossoms before Christmas Eve the girl will marry the following year.
18. Poland
Tradition: Iron under the table
The main meal is on Christmas Eve. Poles place a piece of iron under the Christmas dinner table to make sure everyone has strong legs. The table legs have to be strong too – there are traditionally 12 courses, two of which are carp.
19. Iceland
Tradition: 13 Santas
There are 13 Santas in Iceland. These Yule lads, more troll like than our traditional Father Christmas, traditionally come down from the mountain one by one during the days of the festive period leaving presents or rotten potatoes depending on the child's behaviour. They have names like Door Sniffer and Meat Hook.

 Which ones share public holidays most closely with Canada? Why?
The United States' public holidays is close Canada.
geography position, culture background, political factor.
  1. Tell a partner and publish your findings
  2. Vocabulary: Holiday Traditions

Thursday 10 March 2016

My presentation's feedback on Thursday

about Easter on Thursday

Tasks 2:
      There's a public holiday this month called Good Friday. Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? Is it to welcome the warmer season? Is it for families to go on a picnic? Discuss with a partner. Then:
1. Watch this video(5:50-7:50). Listen again, and put the sentences in the handout in the correct order.

Correct order:

  • One of the twelve disciples, Thomas(called the Twin), was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!"
  • Tomas said to them, "Unless I see the scars of nails in his hands and put my finger on those scars and my hand in his side, I will not believe."
  • A week later the disciples were together again indoors, and Thomas was with them. The doors were locked, but Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you."
  •  Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop your doubting, and believe!"
  • Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"
  • Jesus said to him, "Do you believe because you see me? How happy are those who believe without seeing me!"
  • In his disciples' presence Jesus performed many other miracles which are not written down in this book.
  • But these have seem written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through you faith in him you may have life.

2. Take dictation from this child's telling of Easter. Publish your transcript with its video link on your blog.
My dictation:

the Child's Telling of Easter
Some people think an Easter is about candy and  staff and the eggs. And the hunt for Easter eggs and funny and everything like that. But it's really about Jesus die on the cross. And getting in the Be in .it's ....
When he got nails and hands and when he got  nails and feet and when he got on the cross and he got in  a tomb and he stayed in the tomb for three days. And in the other ghosts  came to perfume  stuff on him.But he wasn't there.He was out of  the tomb because they told the three ghost that he was be a wist on the third day. And he told me the trails and he still in the garden but he went away. and but it was a mistake.     Because he saw the Jesus' body had  stolen.   Jesus' body got stolen but he saw that when someone talked to her   put in the and         He just knew it  right away.

Video link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z34aPu-4NXM

Joseph's answer:

Some people think that Easter is all candy and stuff, and the eggs, and the hunt that you hunt for Easter eggs, and the bunnies, and everything like that. 
But it's really about Jesus dying on the cross, and getting beaten and spit on. And when He got nails in His hands, and when He got nails in His feet, and when He got on the cross, and when He got in the tomb, and He stayed in His tomb for three days. 
And Mary and the other girls came to put perfume and stuff on Him, but He wasn't there. 
He was out of the tomb because they told the three girls that He would arise on the third day. 
And He told them the truth, and He was standing in the garden, but they went away. 
But Mary stayed because she was crying when she stayed because she thought Jesus' body got stolen. 

But she thought that when someone talked to her, she thought it was the gardener. 

Wonderful Skiing Trip------Thursday's Assignment


Write a trip report for yesterday's outing. Use the Editing Checklist as well as get two partners to correct.

Wonderful Skiing Trip

Yesterday our teacher Joseph lead our class to go to  the Earl Bales Ski&Snowboard Centre for the second time. Our family went there at right 10 o'clock. When we arrived there, I saw several  classmates and Joseph there. I talked to my classmate Ling. She told me that she  took her son to ski this time. She just wanted to look around and enjoyed her potluck.
It was a warm day yesterday. In skiing centre,  snow had already melted except snow lines for the high temperature. I thought it was good for the beginner because it didn't slide. We changed our equipment quickly and we went to the small hill. There was a instructor name  Steve. He taught us how to walk, how to stop, how to slide from the top to the bottom. I practised several times and then I found the  way to control my body. My daughter was taught by another teacher. She collected children and taught them step by step.
It was amazing  that children  was easy to learn skiing than adult.
My daughter Cindy love skiing very much. This time was her second experience. She also followed the teacher. Soon she could play skiing in all kind's of way. She sided backward and squared  to slide. She also did the funny action with other children.  She was really enjoying the time.
Time passed so quickly. It was lunch time. We went back the centre house and had our lunch. We seated with Ling and we talked about how to cook.
After lunch, we went back the the small hill. Steve called my daughter , I and other two children to challenge the high hill. It was crazy thing. I thought I was scared. My daughter encouraged me to do it and I wanted to become a brave mother, so I walked to the high hill. My daughter followed her teacher and slid down the hill. I was lead by Steve to do the S shape. It was very hard. I fell down six times and I could control  a little bit. I did three times and  I was happy to fight against it.
In my life, I thought it was a good experience for me to challenge other things. Keep on to do it, you will find interesting.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Change of Doctor's Appointment

Hi. This message is for Sam from Dr. Canagrajah's office. I'm calling to inform your appointment for this Friday has been rescheduled to Thursday, June 15th, at 3:50pm, and if you 're unable to make that time, Please call us back at (416)490.1540. Have a good day. Bye.

Ling Li

Mar 2nd, 2016
. Listen to this voicemail.  Then write down the following information:
  1. Addressee Sam
  2. Contact number 4164911540
  3. Doctor’s name Dr. Clever
  4. New Appointment date/time Jun 15th at 3:50 on Thrusday
  5. Old Appointment Friday