Friday 1 April 2016

Apr 1, 2016

Here are your tasks:

  1. What tense would you expect to use to make your report? Complete and answer the following questions with a partner:
    1. Who came to the DBAF yesterday morning?
               Almost ten of my classmates went to the museum .
    1. How long did you stay there?
              About three hours.
    1. When did first classmate arrive there? 
            My classmate Ashley arrived there at  8:45a.m.
    1. What did you gain at the museum?
               Though I don't understand most of arts, I admire the artist's spiritual  richness.
    1. What did your partner think about these arts?
             That was amazing.
    1. Which painting or photograph made you excited?
                Those photographs in the wall made me excited.
    1. Would you recommend the museum to your friends?
               Of course I would.
    1. Would you visit other gallery next week? 
                 If I have time, I'd like to visit the AGO.
    1. How could Durdy Bayramov Art Museum help more people?
               The Durdy Bayramov Art Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to making visual arts accessible to a wide range of audiences through education outreach programs and scholarship awards.
    1. In what way has your view of these arts been inspired?
Through these arts of the artist, I could feel hopeful, inspired, and passion.
  1. Record report of the field trip on, and publish it on your blog. DO NOT type or write it out. Just speak out your answers. You may use the above questions to guide your speech.
  1. Listen to at least 3 classmates' reports. For each report, write a comment that includes:
    1. Three facts they mentioned
    1. Three facts they did no mention
    2. What you liked about their report
    3. What they could work on to improve
I heard your record and I knew many things about the museum. You are the first classmates to arrive the museum at 8:45. You found that the artist's paintings used many fruits and flowers  to make the materials. Your speech is very clearly and easy to understand. You gave the detail about the field trip. I think you were enjoying the art museum.  

I knew the museum field trip was excited and you could enjoy it. I am happy to know more details about it. Your speech is clearly and your pronounce is very good. Just a little advice for you: If you tell some words which is hard and new for us, you could pronounce it slowly and separate it at correct positions.

Friday Afternoon's Assignment

Here are your tasks:
  1. Publish your handwritten O Canada dictation papers.
    1. Include an audio of your singing by yourself.
    2. Include an audio of your choir.

  1. Vocabulary: Negotiating Salary
  1. Role play: Making and Receiving a Job Offer

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