Tuesday 19 April 2016

April 14, 2016

Here are your tasks:
  1. Google for news on "Panama Papers," and discuss your thoughts with a partner.
  2. Role play: Hiding Money Offshore
    1. Practise aloud by yourself and then with a partner.
    2. Record your conversation, adding some personal thoughts about the Panama Papers.
  1. Pre-pick a number or two from a list of 25, study that point, and prepare teach it to a small group of about 5 classmates.
  2. Interview at least 3 classmates, and write 10 sentences about yesterday's field trip.
    1. Check out our Facebook page as well as Helen Huang and Ashley's pages for some amazing pictures and videos.
    2. Write comments on their Facebook pages.
Amazing Piano Performance

On Thursday, we had a great field trip. 
In the morning, my families drove to the Bayview subway station around 9:40A.M. I put my car in the YMCA underground parking. When we went inside the Bayview station, we saw our teacher Joseph and my classmates. My daughter was exited to see Joseph again and she introduced herself to my classmates. Then we got on the subway to the Yonge Station. From there we changed the line 1 leading to downtown. We decided to get off at Queen Station because we had more time for a walk. There was a old classic building We came out from the subway. Joseph told us this is"old city hall". Now it uses as courts. We crossed a road 

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