Tuesday 19 April 2016

April 19, 2016

Where's the humour in the cartoon? Can you find a funnier cartoon from among these?
Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Taking Care of Your Teeth
    1. Publish your audioboom.com recording with a partner.
    1. Then take dictation of the longest sentence as a Comment on a partner's blog.
  1. Using yesterday's nutritional triptych as a guide, write a dialogue between a patient and a dental hygienist:
    1. Work in pairs, with a partner.
    2. Have the patient tell the hygienist about battling plaque.
    3. Then have the patient wonder if that was a full-fledged hygienist.
    4. Create a happy ending if you're on the east side of the room, or an unhappy ending if you're on the west side.
    5. Publish and perform your dialogue to the class and then as a recording.
Hygienist: Welcome to the Dental Preventive Care Center. What can I help you?
Patient:    I need your help  with my son's teeth. He don't want to brush his teeth.
Hygienist: What have you done so far?  
Patient: I've tried various ways, such as buying beautiful toothbrush and shallow brush paste, giving his award, but he refused to brush his teeth.
Hygienist:How old is your son?
Patient: He's six years old.
Hygienist:Have you ever read some books about how to protect teeth?
patient:No, I Haven't. I just told that everyone should brush their teeth everyday when they grew up.
Hygienist:How did your take care of his teeth when he was a baby?
patient: I did nothing. He was a baby and I think he didn't need me to do something like that.

Hygienist: Haven't you ever helped your son to brush his teeth? That's bad.
patient:I want to know how can I help him.
Hygienist:OK, listen! You should  help your son to brush his teeth everyday and be flossing everyday and rinsing his mouth with mouthwash to keep his teeth and gums healthy. Of course you should get a dental cleaning twice a year. 
Patient:Wow! A dentist will help me to clean my son's teeth. That's great! I'll make an appointment with a dentist. Thank you.
Hygienist: I can help your son to clean his teeth. Of course a dentist also can do.

Dialogue 2:
Hygienist: Welcome to the Dental Preventive Care Center. What can I help you?
Patient:    I need your help  for battling plaque. It made me crazy.
Hygienist: What have you done so far?  How long did  you do the dental cleaning ?
Patient: I don't like the machine of dental cleaning to scrape against my teeth, so I haven't  done like that.
Hygienist: Ooh, that's bad. You should  be flossing every day and rinsing your mouth with mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Also you’re supposed to get a dental cleaning  twice a year.
Patient:Really? I haven't heard that before. Do you have other ways to remove them fast? Can I take any medicine?
Hygienist: Madam, you don't need to take medicines. You really should get that checked out. Do you want me to make an appointment for you?
Patient: Are you a full-fledged hygienist? Do you have registered hygienist license?
Hygienist:  I don't have my registered hygienist designation yet. Hopefully by the end of the year. 
Patient: Hmm. Then I will make an appointment next year.  

  1. Read the headline of this article and then look for 5 words or expressions that you've recently learnt.
Yo-yo dieter Chanelle Hayes pinches her fuller curves in a tiny lime green bandeau bikini as she enjoys a beach break in Spain

Yo-yo dieter: weight always up and down as dieting
pinch: press
fuller curve: describe someone has a beautiful figure
bandeau bikini:a kind of swimming suit worn by women 
lime: yellow

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