Tuesday 19 April 2016

April 18, 2016

Here are your tasks:
  1. Vocabulary: Fad Dieting
    1. Copy out key phrases and words, and use them in sentences.
Grouchy: bad mood; not happy
eg: You look grouchy. what happened?

popping pills: take medicine irregular
eg: Popping pills is bad for your health.

shed: lose
eg: Last week I succeed to shed 5 pounds.

guaranteed: assure
eg: We guarantee to finish the work within 20 minutes.

slimmer: thin
My sister is slimmer than me.

infomercial: television shows
eg: I was attracted by infomercial yesterday evening and bought a tent. 

scientifically proven:
eg: This produce is scientifically proven to improve your health.

eg: You should wait for five minutes. If the bell is bleeping you can come in.

fad: popular for a short time
eg: That hairstyle is only a passing fad.

reveal: uncover
eg: The news revealed a lots of truth.

    1. Record those sentences on Audioboom.com.
  1. Role play: Eating Unhealthy Foods
    1. Practise alone and then with a partner.
    2. Record your work.

1 comment:

  1. Great job there!
    Just one grammar point: eg: Last week I was succeed to shed 5 pounds.
    What tense is that?
